11 July 1944, 330 IR Positions and Objectives at 1700 and 2100

We have 2 overlays for July 11th for the 330th’s struggle to clear the Germans from the bridgehead at le Port.  I’ve left out some of the coordinate markers so I could “zoom in” closer for the PNG.  Again, orient yourself on the campaign map using Saint Andre de Bohon and le Moulin.

I assume the 1700 overlay is where the 330th started

330 Infantry Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division, 17:00 Hours, July 11, 1944

330 Bn, 1700, 11 July, 1944


While the 2100 overlay marks how far they got. We’ll know more once I start incorporating the data from the various reports.

330 Infantry Battalion, 83rd Infantry Division, 21:00 hours, July 11, 1944

330 Bn, 2100, 11 July, 1944

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